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Interview with S. T. Sanchez

Sarah Sanchez was born in Dallas, TX. She graduated from the University of North Texas with a BA of Arts in Spanish. She loves to write fantasy. She is married and has three wonderful children. She loves hiking and spending time outdoors when she is not writing.

Tell us about your latest novel

I just released 2 back to back. The Portal Keeper, a Middle Grade Fantasy Novel about a boy named Ajax. He is assigned the sacred duty of guarding a secret portal. When the prince comes to visit, an accident sends the prince through the portal. None who have entered the portal have ever returned. But Ajax must go after him or risk the wrath of the king. They end up in a magical world where an adventure ensues as they try and find a way back home.

I also released a short ebook entitled A Penny at a Time. It’s a quick easy read about getting out of debt. I have been completely debt free for the last 2 years. It gave me such peace of mind that I’d love to help others reach financial freedom.

What got you started writing?

I really just wanted to see if I could. It was hard and very juvenile but it gave me the confidence I needed to continue.

What challenges did you face when you first started writing?

For me the hardest part is finding the time to write. Having another job and three young kids takes up a lot of my time. Plus I am active in my church and I am also a wolf den leader.

Do you ever get the opportunity to travel for your writing? Either to market or to research.

Not yet, but I hope someday I will.

Who in your life is your greatest cheerleader or support in your writing?

My kids, definitely. They get so excited and tell everyone they meet.

What was the first thing you did after your first book was published?

I set one on my bookshelf and just stared at it for a while. It was just an amazing feeling to see what hard work can accomplish.

Funny, I did the exact same thing. Except I cracked open a bottle of sparkling grape juice to admire it in style.

Do you read your book reviews? How do you handle the good and the bad ones?

I know it won’t last long because you can’t make everyone happy, but so far thankfully I haven’t received a negative one. But I hope I will be able to brush it off and just re-read the good ones and remember that it is just one persons opinion.

It seems like everything has Easter Eggs (surprise reference to your other work) do you have any Easter Eggs in your books?

I have a brother who is a musician and I referenced his band, but I don’t think I have referenced anything I have written.

How long does it take you to write a book? Do you have any secrets to productivity?

It varies. I wrote one in under thirty days, but typically it takes several months to a year for me to get a first draft finished. But I am trying to speed up. My only secret is to take advantage of whatever time you can find.

Where did you get the idea for your first book?

The idea for my first book Sunwalker came about because I didn’t think the origin of vampires had really been explained. So I came up with an idea I’d never seen and went with it.

Do you have any writing rituals?

I just need noise. Not kids fighting in the background, but music or tv on low. Chocolate is great too!

Chocolate is always great.

How important do you think marketing is for authors today?

It’s essential. It takes times and its continuous. I never understood the saying that the work really starts after you publish your first book, until after it happened to me. I spend far more time marketing than writing. Hopefully sometime it will even out a little more.

Do you have any book you have written that won’t ever see the light of day and why?

Yes! My first book Grounded, is just embarrassing. As I said before it’s juvenile and will stay hidden forever.

Many authors have a word or a phrase they automatically use too often. Do you have one?

I know the word that I use that drives my edit crazy…HUGE. I don’t know if you will find it in my novels. If you do I bet it isn’t more than once. I use it a lot out of habit and it’s always marked up to change when I get my manuscript back.

Often writers get to approach some serious subjects. Which serious subject are you most proud to have written about or was the hardest to write about?

Probably my non fiction book A Penny at a Time because I know it will help people. I would also at some point like to address depression in children. I am working on something but it’s not ready yet.

Thank you so much for sharing your story and good luck with your future projects.

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