Review: Song in the squall by Nathan Singer

I don't usually start off with a formatting critique but I think because the rest is done so well the one tiny bit not done right stands out like a sore thumb. The title on the first page uses a very old font type that clashes with the sleek and lovely text. I know, silly and stupid to care about something that really doesn't matter but it bugged me.
Now to get to the important bit the story. Which sadly should have just started with Molly. I like a bit of mystery. I really liked Molly. She is brash and really the hero of the story. Set in Portland we get a glimpse of a ancient race of humans who went to the see to find their niche. Perfectly adaptable they were the source of stories told for centuries. Dya decides that Peaches, cream and strawberries are worth the price she will have to pay. The sacrifices she will have to make to be on the land.
This has the tropes of a good YA but there are some twists along the way. I really liked how the relationships all ended up. I won't tell you what happened because SPOILERS. Though the typical tropes were used this story doesn't read like a typical YA. I don't know if it is the over use of Wicked or because the main character isn't your typical teenager. The author has threaded this ancient feel with the YA genre very well. I'd give this to my class to read, happily.
I have to admit I didn't read the side story in italics. It tells a bit more Cya's story but I fell in love with Molly and it was her story I really wanted to know.
I give this a 4.7 stars and it is minor things that knocked off the points. The slow start. I wanted more action everywhere in the story but that is a personal thing and I can't fault the author for his story telling as that is well done.