Author Myths and legends
I've got a friend at work who is doing her Masters of Creative Writing. I'll admit I'm jealous but I offered some advice that her thesis...

15 ways to be a better writer over night
I've learned a few things on my journey and I like straight forward rules, especially if I know why they are rules. So I thought I would...

5 ways to write faster
I have a writing class every Friday. At the this time of the year the kids are kind of 'Meh' about their writing as it is the same thing...

Writing 101
I recently tried a free online class for writing. I was rather disappointed. I was hoping for activities that would push my writing....

Writing when life gives you lemons
I write prolifically and usually I just tell people that I can do that because I don't have a life. That is only partly true. Yes, I'm...

5 Ways We Aren't Very Nice
My grandmother was a great matriarch but she was raised in an era where woman had to carve out their place in the world with scalpels...

Auditors of Reality
I write in third person omniscient. I've done that since my grandfather suggested that most writers use third person. To the point that I...

Always write a bad book first
In researching how to get published I remember someone wrote that when you start writing you have to first get a bad book out of the way....

Romance Genre techniques that might help you be a better writer
Who hasn't picked up a trashy romance and maybe another but were disappointed by the fact it was a formula. Well, to be honest a lot of...

And she dies!
I was watching the movie 2012 and near the end the woman who cheated on her husband drowns. And no body cares. I'm serious nobody sheds a...