Revising Tips For Self-Editing
I have no patience whatsoever. When I first started writing I got a couple Beta readers to look at my work but they took too long for me...
Why I think Self-Publishing is the way to go.
I am a control freak. No, I mean that in the nicest way. But when it came to publishing I like that I have complete control. I wrote my...
Started the day writing a little frazzled as I realised there was a typo in my publishing logo. A half hour later and all fixed, but it...
Formatting your Interior Manuscript
The more I look around at what is to offer it seems that people pay someone else to work on the different aspects of publishing their...
Creating your own Book Cover
So when I first started I was a bit of a cheap skate and there are some very convincing websites that say that you can make your own...