The circular logic of advertising to authors
My mother is publishing her first novel. I mean I'm publishing it for her so that means putting on my marketing hat. So I've been diving...

Audio books and my Journey- Studios
So I wasn't so keen to sit with my head under a blanket to record everything so I thought I would make my own studio/isolation booth....

Audio Books and my journey- The Research
So I was listening to some blogs by some of my favourite self-published authors and they mentioned audio books and how that helped to...

Book Trailers
When it comes to marketing it can be a bit hit or miss. There are things people say work but not always while other things work for...

Always write a bad book first
In researching how to get published I remember someone wrote that when you start writing you have to first get a bad book out of the way....

Romance Genre techniques that might help you be a better writer
Who hasn't picked up a trashy romance and maybe another but were disappointed by the fact it was a formula. Well, to be honest a lot of...

Pirates ahoy!
I'm in the final steps of publishing my latest novel and I was waiting for my editor so I do my usual and googled myself only to find my...

My experiences with an Editor
(The novel I picked to get the editor once over) Picking an editor is a very stressful experience. Firstly you wonder if that money...

Getting reviews
I'm an introvert. Shucks, most writers are introverts. But when you are a self published author all of sudden you have to be a networking...

How to write a novel
A friend of mine spent years writing a novel but I managed to knock out my first novel only two months after I started. This isn't...