Review: Breeder Slave by P. L. Parker
Nice when a romance starts off knocking the Bechdel test on the head. Two women are on a desert planet, hunted by some pretty nasty...

Review: Return to Riversleigh by Anne Ashby
I love that it is set in New Zealand. As a kiwi I can appreciate the subtle hints of the setting like bacon and egg pie. I've been...

7 Things only South Africans Master
It is Christmas and that always brings out the South African in me. We eat Koeksisters and Braai boerwors. It made me think about things...

How not to write about disabilities
I made this mistake once. Wrote a cool protagonist who was blind and by the end of the book he had his sight back. I was wrong. First of...

Author Myths and legends
I've got a friend at work who is doing her Masters of Creative Writing. I'll admit I'm jealous but I offered some advice that her thesis...

Why Dragons collect things
I got my second rejection the other day. Don't feel bad for me this is a good thing. First off I hardly ever enter competitions because I...

Gifts for Book Lovers
With Christmas just around the corner I thought I would help people out with offering tips for buying presents for book lovers. Pretty...

7 Tips to be a better Beta reader
I work at a school and we always lament at the shocking lack of communication. It has reached legendary levels but even when...

Interview with Ono Ekeh
I think I spent ten minutes trying to say your name correctly. Don't feel bad it took me three days to learn how to pronounce my home...

Review: Love Undefined Anthology
I don't usually go to writers groups. I've taken workshops and played with groups online but mostly I write by myself and share my wins...