One thing Romance should stop doing
Have you ever read a book where the couple are arguing and they end up making out afterwards. I hate those scenes. But I wasn't sure why....

5 Things you didn't know about Steampunk
I was on Steampunk Tendencies the other day and I mentioned Silk Punk as a version of Steampunk and a whole bunch of people mocked me. I...

High expectations kill books
I recently went on a trip to the Great Barrier reef. I planned it to the Nth degree. I couldn't sleep I was so excited. But when I went...

Review: Moonlighter by R.A. Crawford
This is the second book in the series. A universe where everyone are women and humans are the redneck cousins no one wants to visit. We...

Review: Song in the squall by Nathan Singer
I don't usually start off with a formatting critique but I think because the rest is done so well the one tiny bit not done right stands...

Another Secret Sci-Fi Romance writer
Lois McMaster Bujold is a science fiction writer and has an impressive backlist under her belt. I only discovered her later in my life....

Why Anne McCaffrey is really a romance writer
Okay, so I didn't come up with this concept. I was listening to Michael Cooper talking about Facebook ads and he mentioned that Anne...

The circular logic of advertising to authors
My mother is publishing her first novel. I mean I'm publishing it for her so that means putting on my marketing hat. So I've been diving...